Chapters | The Cure Starts Now


Our chapters enjoy being able to fundraise in honor of their friends and family without having to setup a 501(c)(3).  Chapters go through fundraising training and attend annual meetings where we share ideas and support one another in our shared goals for funding research.  Those chapters raising over $25,000 are also invited to serve on the Strategic Advisory Council where they approve funding initiatives and suggest improvements to our charity.  The Cure Starts Now takes care of all legal and IRS mandated filings and procedures, maintain website and support chapter’s events with event coordinators, on-sight staff and costs are paid and managed by our headquarters.  We always love to invite new chapters to our family.  Contact us to learn more.

What We Do

We Inform

Most of our staff are parents of children who have battled cancer and are available to help families through their diagnosis and guide families through the process.

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We Ignite

Inspired by so many children who are diagnosed with cancer, The Cure Starts Now supports over 150 events a year worldwide in honor of them.

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We Impact

With over 59 research grants funded, we ensure that research is funded in the most efficient and effective way possible.

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Join The Cure

The Cure Starts Now has become the leader and innovator in the homerun cure to cancer and DIPG research thanks to our chapters, families, donors and partners.  We are able to help you create events, setup a fundraiser, build a partnership or even assist in a donation.  We would love to talk to you about all of our opportunities and how we can tailor it to your needs.

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