Capital Group | The Cure Starts Now
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Partners Since 2010

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Morgan's Dad, David "Dee" Pritchett, was an employee at Capital Group during Morgan's 20-month battle.  Morgan was 5 years old when she was diagnosed with a DIPG brain tumor.  Dee's colleagues rallied around him and his family as they saw first hand the impact cancer had on him and his family.  They provided tremendous support and encouragement throughout her illness which continued after she passed.

When Dee and his wife, Ginny, decided to form the Virginia Chapter of CSN and hold a golf tournament in 2010 to raise funds for pediatric brain cancer research, The Capital Group (Foundation) was their first sponsor.  Additionally, many of Dee's colleagues became event sponsors, made personal donations and participated in and volunteered for the event as well.  The Capital Group Foundation provides 2 to 1 matching for all eligible employee donations, tripling the impact of the contributions from Dee's colleagues!

Are you involved with a business that is interested in partnering with us in the fight against pediatric brain cancer? Don't hesitate! — Chat with us today and we'll provide you with some easy options to get started.