Gold Star | The Cure Starts Now
Gold Star Chili

Partners Since 2011

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Cincinnati chili favorite, Gold Star Chili, partnered with The Cure Starts Now through an innovative program called “Cans for the Cure”. Gold Star felt a close connection to The Cure Starts Now and their strategy of finding the Homerun Cure™ because of the many people in their community that have battled cancer in many forms. The Homerun Cure™ strategy of The Cure Starts Now tackles the cancers that are often regarded as the most difficult types of cancers, because researchers believe that through a cure for them, they will find a cure for all cancers. Through “Cans for the Cure”, Gold Star Chili donates a portion of canned chili sales purchased through local/regional grocery stores to The Cure Starts Now to help raise much needed funds for pediatric brain cancer research.

“For us, the fight against pediatric and other cancers is personal and, part of our overall corporate mission to, ‘Care about our neighbors and communities and actively participate in events and causes that are important to them,” said the Vice President of Marketing & Brand Development for Gold Star Chili.

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