9th Annual Sydney's Band of Gold Golf Tournament Aims to Raise Funds for Pediatric Brain Cancer Research | The Cure Starts Now


The Cure Starts Now

9th Annual Sydney's Band of Gold Golf Tournament Aims to Raise Funds for Pediatric Brain Cancer Research

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The North Texas Chapter of The Cure Starts Now has raised over $1.4 million since inception!

Grapevine, TX | April 6, 2022 – The North Texas Chapter of The Cure Starts Now is hosting it’s 9th Annual Sydney’s Band of Gold Golf Tournament in honor or Sydney Bjornberg, a little girl who battled DIPG (Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma), a brain tumor that is highly aggressive and difficult to treat.  The golf outing is being held on April 11, 2022 at the Cowboys Golf Club, the first and only NFL-themed golf club in the world.

“Sydney loved to run, swim, jump on the trampoline, ride her bike and ski, amongst many other things. To say she loved being active is an understatement. She wanted to bring hope and joy to all children battling cancer and the reason we continue to fight to find a cure. We believe with all our hearts that if we come together we CAN and WILL make a difference.” -Michelle Bjornberg, Sydney’s mother

Sydney was one week shy of her 5th grade graduation when she was diagnosed with DIPG in May of 2012. She never complained after her diagnosis, and wanted to know that there was hope and wanted to believe that if she did what was asked of her that she would get better.  She would often times be seen giving her jewelry or stuff animals to other children with cancer during her visits because she wanted to bring a smile to their faces during their difficult time.  Sydney tried to focus on the things that she could control and could do instead of the things DIPG slowly took from her.  Unfortunately, Sydney lost her battle with DIPG in June of 2013.

The goal for the golf outing is to raise funds for pediatric brain cancer research in the hopes that one day when a family hears the words “Your child has cancer” or even worse “Your child has DIPG” that they will not just have hope to survive for a few extra months after enduring harsh treatments and instead have a cure!  According to dipg.org, the 5-year survival rate for DIPG patients is 2%. Believing in more than just awareness, The Cure Starts Now has funded over $18 million in cancer research, resulting in over 115 cutting edge research grants in 15 countries since 2007.

To learn more:

The Cure Starts Now was started in honor of 6-year-old Elena Desserich, a Cincinnati girl who battled a rare, aggressive form of brain cancer known as DIPG. Today, The Cure Starts Now Foundation has over 40 locations in three countries and is the only cancer foundation dedicated to finding the Homerun Cure™ for cancer by focusing on one of the rarest, most aggressive forms of cancer. Believing in more than just awareness, The Cure Starts Now has funded over $18 million in cancer research, resulting in over 150 cutting edge research grants in 15 countries since 2007.