Chris Jones: Beyond the Lab | The Cure Starts Now


The Cure Starts Now

Chris Jones: Beyond the Lab

Team Leader at The Institute of Cancer Research

The Cure Starts Now recently sat down and had a conversation with leading DIPG researcher, Dr. Chris Jones:

Why did you decide to focus your research on DIPG/DMG?
"When I started my lab, the remit was to develop a research program in an area of unmet need in childhood cancer – nothing exemplifies this better than DIPG/DMG."

What are some of the greatest advancements you have seen with DIPG/DMG research?
"What is most remarkable is the way the international research community has worked together to tackle this disease – from pooling impressively large numbers of rare samples for molecular characterization, leading to the discovery of the genes responsible for driving DIPG/DMG, to developing and sharing precious model systems to be able to test new drug treatments in the lab."

What have been the biggest hurdles for you with your research?
"When we started there were very few samples available, no models, and little interest from funding bodies to support research into DIPG/DMG.  Simply convincing my own institution that working in this area was a good idea took a major effort as a young faculty member!"

What have been your biggest accomplishments with your work?
"The coordinated publication from multiple groups of the first DIPG whole genomes in 2014 was terrifically exciting to be a part of, and opened up numerous avenues for further research."

How has The Cure Starts Now and the Homerun Cure strategy helped you achieve larger cure objective?
"Our lab is privileged enough to have consistently received invaluable funding from the Cure Starts Now for many years across a number of different projects. More than that, attending the conferences from the very earliest days has built lasting connections and collaborations that are driving progress in this disease."

Tell us something interesting about yourself that others might not know (ie. Do you play an instrument, have a hidden talent or just an interesting fact about you)
"私は日本語を勉強しています。" - I'm studying Japanese.

Learn more about Dr. Jones's research funded by The Cure Starts Now: