Dr. Krainer Awarded $100,000 for DIPG Research


The Cure Starts Now

Dr. Krainer Awarded $100,000 for DIPG Research

The Cure Starts Now Foundation, along with the DIPG Collaborative, awarded another pediatric brain cancer research grant  to Dr. Adrian Krainer of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York. The Musella Foundation surprised Dr. Krainer on behalf of the DIPG Collaborative on September 17, 2016. This $100,000 grant will fund Dr. Krainer's "Allele-specific antisense therapy for DIPG" study.

To date, The Cure Starts Now Foundation, in conjunction with the DIPG Collaborative, has funded over $7.3 million in groundbreaking pediatric brain cancer research. The Cure Starts Now Foundation is focused on finding the homerun cure for all cancers.
Click here to watch the surprise check presentation.