Dr. Li of Baylor College of Medicine Awarded $200,000 Grant


The Cure Starts Now

Dr. Li of Baylor College of Medicine Awarded $200,000 Grant

 The Cure Starts Now Foundation, along with the DIPG Collaborative, awarded another pediatric brain cancer research grant to Dr. Li of Baylor College of Medicine/Texas Children's Hospital in Houston, TX. The North Texas and Southeast Texas chapters of The Cure Starts Now Foundation surprised Dr. Li with the grant for $200,000 for his "targeting DIPG's through Super-activation of Steroid Receptor Co-activators" study. To date, The Cure Starts Now Foundation has raised over $6.7 million in groundbreaking pediatric brain cancer research. The Cure Starts Now Foundation is focused on finding the homerun cure for all cancers.  
Click here to watch the surprise check presentation.