Exciting New Tool Helps DIPG Families Find Trials Easier | The Cure Starts Now


The Cure Starts Now

Exciting New Tool Helps DIPG Families Find Trials Easier

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This week, The Cure Starts Now rolled out a new tool in their ever expanding arsenal for families fighting Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG).  Building on the extensive repository of research and information at DIPG.org, families can now signup for daily or weekly updates for DIPG specific research to be delivered to their email inbox.  The new tool expands on their already popular research search page at DIPG.org by giving them instant notifications when trials become open or available.  This expanded access is vital to a family’s ability to quickly act to review and make decisions on new trials for their children who are battling one of the most aggressive and deadliest types of cancer.

Before The Cure Starts Now built these tools, families spent their precious time searching clunky and cumbersome databases every day to find new trials or openings at institutions. We are constantly trying to find ways to help families through their battle with DIPG. This notification tool is revolutionary because parents don’t have to waste their time searching websites that they should be spending to care for their children who are fighting this deadly cancer. Any way we can support these families and make the journey easier, we will do it. – Brooke Desserich, Co-Founder of The Cure Starts Now

The Cure Starts Now doesn’t just provide support services for DIPG patients, they are the largest funder of DIPG research worldwide funding over $14 million in DIPG research with over 90 grants in 17 countries. 

To sign-up for the notifications or to learn more, go to DIPG.org